
Showing posts from February, 2019

My EDLD5302 Reflection Forward

My EDLD5302 Reflection Foward By: Mitch Madden I will continue using the COVA model as I continue my journey into the Digital Learning and Leading program at Lamar University. I really believe in the COVA model because it allows me a choice in how I want to voice my authentic learning and this develops more of an ownership of the individual education.  I will be incorporating the growth mindset, COVA model, and failing forward strategies in my classroom as I move forward. I have already begun to not only personally adopt the growth mindset thinking, but help my students in developing more of a growth mindset by allowing them more of a choice while taking on projects or assignments. I feel by allowing them a choice and voice in how they present or reach the result will allow them to become more creative, more innovative, and take on more of an ownership of their education.  I saw an article in teach taught by Terry Heick, “Failing Forward: 21 ideas to help stu...

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset Plan By: Mitch Madden  I feel the growth mindset is very important for a person to grow their knowledge and develop as individuals. I am a firm believer that the learning process is a lifelong journey. My goal is to promote the growth mindset within my classroom to the students along with my co-workers within our district. I help with the integration of technology on our campus and feel I can relay the growth mindset action through leading by example. I am going to challenge myself to try new products and resources within my own classroom, which will allow me to pass the examples down to my students and co-workers. If I do not know something then I will take the mindset of I don’t know it yet and keep working towards learning the resource. I will teach this mindset of yet to others as we develop the growth mindset on campus. I feel that it is very important to incorporate technology within the learning environment and is an excellent way to help students...

Learning Networks

Learning Networks By: Mitch Madden I really feel learning communities are very important tool that I have utilized over the past few recent years. I feel it has allowed me to move outside my own campus to collaborate with other teachers and professionals on classroom or education issues and ideas. It has allowed me to develop more of a growth mindset because it has given me new ideas and thoughts about science or education to consider. They have been a great place to go to get new ideas or solve a particular issue or discuss issues to improve education in the country. I will admit I find myself joining them to gather thoughts and ideas, but I need to be more involved in giving out my thoughts and ideas. I have found twitter is a great place to go for learning communities and not only are their some great educators that I follow on twitter, but some great groups such as: - This is a great place to learn more about Google products a...

Learning Manifesto

Learning Manifesto By: Mitch Madden I believe that we must change the way we educate our students today to be more in aligned with today’s world. I believe one thing that is wrong with education today is we are still teaching like we were taught. As John Dewey says, “If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterdays, we rob them of tomorrow.” In other words we need to be engaging them in the tools of tomorrow and embrace the use of technology within education instead of being afraid of allowing students to utilize these tools. I feel some of the issues related to digital learning throughout the state, regional, national, and global market are not embracing the use of technology in real and authentic learning. We are still stuck on student’s being required to pass a written exam or some sort of exam when we have not utilized technology to engage students and properly access them through the use of allowing students being able to make a choice in their learning by bein...