My EDLD5302 Reflection Forward

My EDLD5302 Reflection Foward By: Mitch Madden I will continue using the COVA model as I continue my journey into the Digital Learning and Leading program at Lamar University. I really believe in the COVA model because it allows me a choice in how I want to voice my authentic learning and this develops more of an ownership of the individual education. I will be incorporating the growth mindset, COVA model, and failing forward strategies in my classroom as I move forward. I have already begun to not only personally adopt the growth mindset thinking, but help my students in developing more of a growth mindset by allowing them more of a choice while taking on projects or assignments. I feel by allowing them a choice and voice in how they present or reach the result will allow them to become more creative, more innovative, and take on more of an ownership of their education. I saw an article in teach taught by Terry Heick, “Failing Forward: 21 ideas to help stu...