EDLD 5314 Reflection

EDLD 5314 Reflection I started out my EDLD 5314 with needing to come up with an area that I wanted to research and find out more about in helping to create an innovation plan. It was clear from my previous research that our school does a good job on the state exams, but what was missing was creating an atmosphere for developing higher order thinking skills that would lead to mastery of the exams. So my topic that I wanted to do more with was using the flipped classroom approach to gain more class time for actual higher order thinking activities. I wanted to tie this into e-portfolio’s that are a great resource that I learned about from a previous course. Using an e-portfolio with the flipped classroom approach would lead students to take more ownership on their learning and reflecting on their individual learning. It would also show their growth as students and how their higher order thinking skills were developing by using the flipped classroom model. As I start...