EDLD 5314 Reflection

EDLD 5314 Reflection

I started out my EDLD 5314 with needing to come up with an area that I wanted to research and find out more about in helping to create an innovation plan. It was clear from my previous research that our school does a good job on the state exams, but what was missing was creating an atmosphere for developing higher order thinking skills that would lead to mastery of the exams. So my topic that I wanted to do more with was using the flipped classroom approach to gain more class time for actual higher order thinking activities. I wanted to tie this into e-portfolio’s that are a great resource that I learned about from a previous course. Using an e-portfolio with the flipped classroom approach would lead students to take more ownership on their learning and reflecting on their individual learning. It would also show their growth as students and how their higher order thinking skills were developing by using the flipped classroom model. 

As I started my research I found numerous articles that talked about how the use of technology could lead students to higher order thinking skills. The flipped classroom was a perfect example when integrated within the curriculum properly could lead to class time in developing higher order thinking skills. I found out how important this type of approach is in closing the gap in different types of learners, because it allowed them access to the material in a way they could utilize for their own learning style. This was one area that I never thought of that became an important reason to use the flipped classroom approach. I also came across readings in my course that helped show me how creating a story helps develop your thoughts into a plan. This led to realizing it is your audience that has the power to grow and lead your story to success. I realized how many times that I did not even tell my story and left it inside of me to die. This was the first obstacle that I must change. Then I must tell my story in a way that creates an environment that my audience wants to be called into action to help implement my plan or “story”. If your audience has no desire to take ownership in your plan and see it be successful then it will die because of the lack of enthusiasm and vision. 

This led to one of the biggest area I found that could be done better in any technology plan. I came across some readings about how any technology roll out will fail if there is no vision or plan. It was clear after reading about the LA IPAD article that your first step should be in creating a vision and plan on what you want to accomplish in your story. I needed to develop a vision and plan on how I wanted to utilize the flipped classroom that would energize and want my followers to want to try it. I had to give a reason that it would benefit the stakeholders and the vision of the outcome we are working to accomplish. The LA school district failed in their roll out of IPAD’s within the district, because they had no plan of action. They had no vision on where they wanted to go with the devices.  I found out through my research about other reasons the flipped classroom approach failed for teachers. In most cases not only did the teachers not have a plan or vision for their flipped classroom approach, but they did not understand how to integrate it within their lessons. The flipped classroom approach fails for certain teachers, because they do not understand how to use it properly to engage students. The other reason is they don’t follow up with activities for students to prove they understand the content before jumping into the classroom higher order thinking activities.

All of these lessons I mentioned will help me in making sure my flipped classroom approach is successful. I understand that I must have a vision and plan on what I am trying to accomplish. I must have a story that will sell my audience on the reason why they want to be part of the plan. I should have engaging flipped activities that will be interesting to the students while checking for understanding of the content. Then I will be able to use class time for the higher order thinking activities that will develop those skills needed to reach higher score and grow as students. Students will keep their own e-portfolio’s to show their growth as learners while reflecting on learning. This will lead to students taking more ownership in their learning and developing higher order thinking skills.


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