EDLD 5317 Post on A More Engaging Classroom Using Google
How Can You Have A More Engaging and Happier
I would like to share my story and experiences on how using G
suites is creating a learning environment of happier and engaging students and
parents. The great thing is this can happen in any classroom and does not
matter what the subject or grade level of your students. I have colleagues that
have the same success in using G suites in their classroom. A quote that we
should all go by came from John Dewey, “If we teach today’s students as we
taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” (John Dewey Image) Our students
live in a digital world so we should be using technology to engage our
students. This is what makes them happy and how they learn in today’s world. We
must prepare them with the tools for tomorrow by integrating the use of
technology into their learning environment. Technology is the future and we
must allow them to use these tools today.
We are a Google for education school along with being a 1:1
Chromebook school. Our students only need to log into their chromebooks using
their Google account that is set up by IT director. They have access to
all the G suite tools after they log into their Chromebook. There are no extra
passwords or logins to remember and everything they need is in one place. I
experimented in the past with other products or LMS and it became more time
consuming along with students preferring Google because of the simplicity. Using
G suites has allowed my classroom to easily navigate and collaborate with each
other. Their creative use of the various Google tools has led to more engaging
students with the use of technology as they showcase their work and knowledge
through the use of Google sites or slides.
One of my favorite G suite tools is Google classroom. This has
made everyone’s life in my classroom and my colleagues that I have gotten
feedback from more efficient, enjoyable, and ultimately happier. We
start the day with a warm-up activity that they can complete using a
Google form that is located on Google classroom. Each unit and modules for
lessons are loaded on Google classroom. So it could be a Google document, slide
show, quiz made from Google forms or I can even upload another outside file or
video for students. The wonderful thing is that the material is always there
and it allows students to observe the material at all times. This has given
students a chance to learn at their own pace or refer back to material as often
as possible. My initial perception is that our overall test scores are
improving and learning gaps are closing between the various groups of students
as they have equal access to the material at all times. The other huge benefit
has been students that are out on extracurricular activities can keep up with
the material while they are out of class. Parents love the ability to sign up
and receive parent notifications. This helps communicate to parents what is
happening in the class and with their students. They have praised the opportunity
to be engaged in their child's learning.
My next favorite Google suite tool to use is Google sites. My
students love being able to showcase their creativity through the use of Google
sites. They use Google sites to set up their own e-portfolio. Jenny Arledge
quotes, “Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational
world to fly farther and faster than ever before- if we will allow it.” I feel
we have taken creativity out of the classroom and students love the opportunity
to showcase their knowledge through creative products made and posted on their
site. We just need to step back and give them the tools and technology to be
creative. They will amaze you at their creation. It also allows them to reflect
on their learning experience, which creates more of a growth mindset and higher
order learning skills. Parents enjoy the opportunity to view their child’s
creative work by having the opportunity to view their site. Here is a look
at my classroom website that was created using Google sites just like my
students use for their e-portfolio. You can find my classroom website at www.maddenclassroom.com .
The wonderful thing about using G suites is you can control who
has access to content and you can set the settings to protect your student’s
privacy. You must have a school issued Google account to be part of our network
and have access to material. You have the options on how you set up your Google
classroom and who is allowed into the classroom. You can add co-teachers or
your principal or special education teacher so they have access to the same
material. Everyone is aware of what is going on in the classroom and engaged in
the overall learning experience. Students are engaged in learning by using
technology, which they are happy to use. Parents know what their child is
learning and can view their work. So not only does it make for a happier and
more engaging learning environment, but my life as a teacher is easier. I can
post or assign or create assignments or activities with the use of G suites and
my life is easier than having to use multiple resources or go to the copier
constantly. My students always have access to the material and can take more of
an ownership in their learning. We are all able to collaborate easier with the
use of G suite tools. Collaboration is easier through Google tools.
You can create and share documents or slides or sites and allow edit rights to
all members of a group. This makes for a creative shared project that knowledge
and content are shared and included by all members of the group.
Image of Jenny Arledge quote on technology can become the wings.
Retrieved from: https://www.google.com/search?q=jenny+arledge+quote&client=firefox-b-1-d&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=J_sRHDTY7_DszM%253A%252CGTfPZf8w7_THlM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQnigZA_uKlzfpHhM0ccI9CZwprVw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjslor24-XjAhVEQ6wKHRyhDoIQ9QEwBHoECAYQDw&biw=1366&bih=654#imgrc=J_sRHDTY7_DszM:
Image of John Dewey quote on teaching and learning. Retrieved
from: https://www.google.com/search?q=john+dewey+quote&hl=en&authuser=0&tbm=isch&tbas=0&source=lnt&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjG7q-54uXjAhXCHM0KHQK3Ap4QpwUIIw&biw=1366&bih=654&dpr=1#imgrc=6svWznd-pSbvXM:
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