My Flipped Classroom Research

My Flipped Classroom Research

My research was done on flipped classroom along with e-portfolio’s and how to utilize those two tools to increase student high order thinking through more engaged activities and reflections within the e-portfolio’s. My plan and vision is to use flipped classroom to share the content with students so when they come into the classroom we are able to engage in deeper discussions or activities that are more of the higher order thinking activities. I will have students keep an e-portfolio during this process to show their growth and reflect on the learning process.

What worked well during my research was finding information on flipped classroom and e-portfolio’s separately, but nothing really tied the two tools in together. There was good information on how to use flipped classroom to engage students more along with how it can promote higher order thinking.
What could have been done better during my research was I found out why flipped classroom fails for certain teachers. Teachers that fail at it do not understand how to implement it into their curriculum or incorporate it into their lesson. Teachers don’t know how or feel comfortable finding or creating the content needed for the lesson. They also do not have students reflect on what they learn or demonstrate their knowledge from the flipped assignment prior to diving into the classroom portion of the lesson. 

I can apply the lessons I learned from the failed attempts of teachers and the readings from this course to make sure my implementation of the flipped classroom is done properly for success of the students and creating a more engaging environment. This will lead to opportunities to dig deeper into the content and develop higher order thinking skills, which was my main goal for wanting to set up a flipped classroom.


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