Looking forward to my EDLD 5303 Course

 I was excited to put together my first eportfolio in my EDLD5302 course. After this week’s readings from my new EDLD 5303 course, I understand more about the importance of creating and maintaining an eportfolio throughout your life. I can see how most people will drop it because of the lack of time, but keeping up with one will allow me to better reflect on my learning. It will also allow me to make meaningful connections that I can share with my fellow teachers and students.

I want to be able to use my eportfolio to help my students and allow me to reflect on my learning. I challenged my students to create their first video assignment after learning and reflecting on the growth mindset in my previous course. This allowed my students to go outside their comfort zone and create something that they can be proud of. I was excited to see their results and accomplishments. I want to use my eportfolio to give them an example like I did with the growth mindset video.  I will have them create their own eportfolio that they can use throughout their journey through school. I will also utilize my eportfolio to help fellow teachers as I lead them through how to integrate technology into the classroom. 

I am glad that I will have time in this course to add to my eportfolio and make adjustments. I used google sites since I use google for everything with our school being a google for education school. I currently have pages that include my growth mindset, learning manifesto, learning network, EDLD 5302 learning reflection, about me, contact me, links, and blog page. I know some changes I will need to make as I add to my eportfolio will be with the navigation. I also want to work on my blog page and make it more user friendly from the eportfolio. I feel that my blog page will be the section that I will utilize the most as I move forward. 



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