Having a vision in technology roll out is so important.
I was able to pickup on several issues in this week's readings for EDLD5314. I saw a video over using the plus delta review tool, read over several articles about technology plans that worked or did not work. It is so critical that we have a plan and vision to how we want to utilize technology in the learning process. As mentioned in the quote above from Joel Barker, "a vision with action can change the world."
I like the use of the Plus Delta Review tool and currently
use it to some degree in my own classroom. It is a great way to establish what
is working in the classroom, what needs to be changed or modified, and what
needs to be given up. I have always allowed students a voice in our classroom,
which I feel it has allowed me to become a better teacher through student
I believe that technology enhances the student learning and
allows for more global collaboration. As mentioned in the reading by the US
Department of Education, “technology enables personalized pathways for student
learning and collaborative learning activities.” It was obvious in my readings
this week that for technology to be utilized properly there must be a clear
vision. I feel there was a clear vision and plan set up in the ESkwela project.
This is leading for adults and drop outs to get the education they need to
become successful citizens along with allowing them an option to gather the
required education. This was a good example of setting a vision and plan to
utilize technology to solve a problem that was taking place.
It was obvious as I read about the LAUSD roll out of their
IPAD’s that they did not have a vision and follow the guidelines that were set
out by Apple. It wasn’t that Ipad’s don’t enhance and help students in the
learning process, because I use them in my own classroom and they are
beneficial. What did not work for LAUSD was they did set a vision for why they
wanted to use the IPAD’s and they did not follow the guidelines for rolling
them out as set by Apple. Apple was able to learn from the mistakes of LAUSD
and has been able to adjust their support on future large scale deployments.
I am part of the E-group and interested in possibility doing
my project over a modified flipped classroom that is mixed between project base
and blended learning. My vision of doing more of a flipped classroom is that it
will allow me to create an atmosphere of deeper learning through more hands on
activities, labs, and stations within the classroom along with time for deeper
discussions on how the content relates to the real world.
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